15th March 2024

Australian Carers Guide – Autumn Edition 2024

Carers SA is excited to offer our members a free subscription to this valuable resource of helpful information and practical advice.

We have organised a free copy for our Carers and to access your free copy,

Click Here To Get Your Free Magazine

This new and refreshing magazine was created to support Carers.

It is produced four times a year and packed full of practical and helpful information.

It offers unique insights, creative solutions and helpful perspectives.

If you prefer to read in print, you can buy the magazine at your local newsagent for $12.95 or if you prefer, you can subscribe and have it delivered to your door.

Subscribe Here


  • Stubborn Seniors: Need help dealing with a strong-willed senior? Follow our tips and tricks to make communication in a collaborative manner.
  • Our Palliative Care system: Jolene Hill, founder of Yourlifetalks.com, shares everything you need to know about Australia’s palliative care system.
  • Carer Payments Vs Carers Allowance: Financial planner Rosie Bouton breaks down the different types of financial assistance available to Carers.
  • Dementia: Harmony in motion. Maree McCabe, CEO of Dementia Australia, offers her take on meaningful activities for people living with dementia.
  • Handy Hacks around the Home: From adapting for accessibility to creating a calm environment, these handy hacks will help streamline caring around the home.
  • Jean Kittson: Our expert columnist looks at how and why Carers should prioritise self-care.
  • Maggie Beer: Shares two seasonal recipes, perfect for autumn.
  • Fun & Games: Train your brain with our selection of puzzles, quizzes, and IQ tests.
  • Plus… Aged Care Reforms Update, Navigating Budgets & Benefits, 3 Steps to Finding Home Care Services, Comic Corner, News and Views & Helpful Contacts

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