Our Partners

We work closely with a number of organisations who assist Carers SA in providing services and supports for Carers in South Australia as part of the Australia Government Initative, Carer Gateway.

​The organisations we partner with have a focus and expertise in the following areas: ​

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities​
  • Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities​
  • Disability​
  • Mental Health

NPY Women’s Council delivers health, social and cultural services for Aboriginal people living in the remote cross border region of Ngaanyatjarra, Pitjantjatjara & Yankunytjatjara lands in Central Australia.

NPYWC is an Aboriginal organisation, directed by Anangu women representing 26 desert communities. NPYWC delivers aged and disability care and provides support for Carers.

NPYWC works with families and Carers who support older people and people with disability; we can help with respite, advocacy and practical assistance.

Visit NPY Women’s Council (npywc.org.au) to learn more.

Skylight firmly believes that mental health should not define someone. They value lived experience and peer-led programs, using them to enhance well-being and strengthen resilience.

Their story, begun in 1983, as the Schizophrenia Fellowship of South Australia. 19 years later they became the Mental Illness Fellowship of South Australia, to better reflect their scope and the needs of South Australians living with mental illness.

In 2006, they merged with the Mood Disorders Association of South Australia – and then, in July 2017, they introduced a new name for a new era – Skylight Mental Health.

Skylight Mental Health is inspired by the resilience of the human spirit and the potential in all of us to live well. They create environments of understanding, connection, optimism and courage through:

• Individual Support
• Group Activities
• Respite
• Community Education
• Carer Services

They share a journey to empowerment with individuals, their friends and family and their Carers and challenge the broader community to see mental health differently.

Their goals are to:

• Reduce discrimination
• Remove stigma around mental illness

We provide support and information, build community awareness and advocate for improved mental health policies and services.

Their Carer Services are to assist people who are supporting a friend or loved one with mental illness. We offer a number of support options for Carers and family members, as well as for the person themselves who is living with a mental illness. Skylight Mental Health has groups and support services in both metropolitan and regional South Australia.

For more information on our Carer Groups go to Carer Services | Skylight Mental Health

Multicultural Partners

Chinese Welfare Services of SA Inc.

Jewish Community Services Inc.

German-speaking Aged Services Association Inc.

Greek Welfare Centre SA

Multicultural Communities Council of SA