
Become A Volunteer

We have a variety of volunteering options available at Carers SA.  Check out what is on offer below.

Carer Champion

Through telling your story with others, you are helping to raise awareness of the important role of Carers in the community.

What can a Carer Champion do?

• Tell your Carer story, including your experience with Carers SA at public speaking events
• Participate in community engagement activities with staff and other Carer Champions to raise awareness about Carers and the support services available through Carers SA
• Share your personal, lived experience as a Carer through marketing and media platforms, including the Carers SA website, social media or featuring in the local newspaper or on the radio

Carer Collective

This is a new volunteering opportunity where Carers can share their insights and experience to help inform Carers SA about enhanced services and supports for Carers in the community.

What can a Carer Collective Volunteer do?

• Contribute their knowledge, experiences and skills
• Suggest and recommend enhanced opportunities for easier access to Carers SA services
• Be part of a group that puts forward ideas for Carers to have positive experiences

Young Carer Collective (YCC)

The Young Carer Collective is a forum for Young Carers to meet regularly and provide advice, insight and feedback on all matters that may impact and affect Young Carers in their engagement with Carers SA. This includes:
• Being a representative voice on key issues that affect Young Carers.
• Provide feedback on services available to Young Carers and offer ideas on how Carers SA can continue to improve services.
• Offer ideas and suggestions on new ways of engaging Young Carers and delivering services and support.
• Assist where possible, in providing feedback and input into Carers SA child safety related documents to ensure they are accessible and understood by other Young Carers.

"Volunteering with Carers SA has been rewarding in gaining new skills after unexpectedly leaving employment permanently at 49, to care for my husband".

Register to Volunteer with Us

Drop us a line to find out more about our volunteer options