
Emergencies Can Happen Anytime

Emergency Respite offers support if you are experiencing an urgent or unplanned event that temporarily impacts your ability to care for your family member or friend. This could include:

•  You becoming ill or having an injury
•  Having to leave home suddenly due to a family/or other emergency
•  Feeling stressed or overwhelmed with the caring role
•  An unplanned event that threatens the health and safety of the person you are caring for
•  An unplanned event that threatens your health and safety of a Carer

Support is available 24 hours to assist you in an emergency.

Emergency Respite is temporary support put in place while Carers SA work with the Carer and the person being cared for to ensure that long term supports are put in place should the care be required post 72 hours.



Download Emergency Respite Brochure