Carer Recognition Project
The Federal House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs has launched an Inquiry into the recognition of unpaid Carers to review the Australian Carer Recognition Act 2010 and the effectiveness of the Act and its principles in practice. Submissions are invited now.
Carers SA is collecting Carers views and will submit these on their behalf to the Inquiry. Carers can have their say by clicking on the link below:
This Inquiry will examine the effectiveness of the Australian Carer Recognition Act 2010 in acknowledging and raising awareness of the important role of unpaid Carers in Australian society, and it will consider if legislative reform is needed.
The Committee wants to hear from individual unpaid Carers, and others, so it can make meaningful recommendations to Government. Therefore, this Inquiry has the potential to impact the Recognition of Carers by the Government for years to come.
We will be collecting all responses until Sunday 30th July 2023 and submit them together in one go to the Inquiry.
This Carers SA project focuses on directly providing the voice of Carers to the Inquiry.
Carers SA is also involved in an extensive, federally focussed submission currently in progress with Carers Australia.
Click the button below to read the full Special Bulletin.
Special Bulletin – Australian Carer Recognition Act Inquiry 2023